Step 10) Choose the Download Basket

Step 11) Choose Your download and it will begin.

Time to configure your GUI

Once the download is complete and you have installed the software, it's time to configure it -
Step 1) Click on create the button as shown below.

Step 2) Click next button

Step 3) Fill the Server details
  1. Connection Type: - Custom Application Server(Particular one host)
  2. Description: - Name of instance
  3. Application Server: - IP address of remote application server
  4. Instance number which you can find from os level (Unix)
    Goto /usr/sap/sid/DVEBGMS00 Here instance number = 00
  5. System ID: - As per you setting which you have specified during installation time.

Step 4) Created system will be there in the list as per shown below.

Double Click on the instance to log-in to a SAP Server.
How does one check the patch level on SAPGUI using a logon script, command prompt or even a Kix or VB script? I suppose the real question is where in a Windows 2000/XP registry is the key that displays the patch level number?
You will not find the release version in the Windows registry. However, there are other ways to find this out.
Example: You can use the FILEVER.exe Windows Resource Kit utility.
C:>filever '%ProgramFiles%SAPFrontEndSAPGuisapgui.exe' That will return the version of the executable.
See sample below:
--a-- W32i APP - 6400.2.0.8926 shp 90,112 05-27-2004 sapgui.exe If you need to only know what SAPGUI release they have (not down to the patch level) and if you have at least R/3 4.6C you can use SM04 and display the GUI column. That's very useful to determine who is in what version.
Example: 4.6D vs. 6.20.
And last but not least, SAP has a utility call SAPVER that can help you as well.
Sap Gui 710 Patch Level 21
This was last published inMarch 2005

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